Speak! Rescue and Sanctuary is a 501 (c)(3) special needs rescue. We are passionate about helping Australian shepherds and border collies, particularly those born with hearing and vision impairments as a result of merle-to-merle breeding, as well as dogs with extreme medical concerns
Speak! is a completely foster-based dog rescue, so we rely on volunteers to care for these pups until they find forever homes. We also provide sanctuary for certain special needs dogs who cannot be adopted.
How to help:
Donation portal (includes PayPal)
Venmo (please indicate it’s the sanctuary)
Mail: Box 318, Troy, Illinois 62294
Last year's brick fundraiser was a great success, raising much-needed support for our ongoing projects. We've heard from many of you who didn't get a chance to order a brick or want to order more, so we're excited to launch Brick by Brick, phase two!
The fundraiser allows you to purchase an engraved brick in your name or in honor of a loved one, including your pets. These bricks will be proudly displayed when you visit, and all funds raised will go toward critical sanctuary needs.Speak Rescue and Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) organization, dependent on donations. By purchasing an engraved brick, you're supporting the growth of the sanctuary and ensuring the happiness of all our pups.
Thank you for your continued support!